hackeralastair wrote in goshdarnspam Aug 31, 2010 22:39
a robot did it, stranger danger!, mustaches!!, great country of kentucky, birthday spam motherfuckahs, iron douche, jill so does get a cool tag, we are all geeks here, tony stark is actually norman osborn, leeeerooooy nnnnjenkins, hi, wow eats your soul, but why is the rum gone?, jill prefers webbing bukkake, screaming forever!!!!!, bloody vikings, this is warcraaaaaaft, fire good, jillidan says you are not prepared, tony stark is andy samberg, wildebeest, it's my buh-buh-biiiirthday, /strokes... unibrow, hats make everything better, there is no tag there is only jill, avengers assemble, /leaves leah's milk out to spoil, crack is called crack for a reason, this is madness, next time i am charging $3.99 for this, i can taste the rainbow, derp is my weapon, baaaw, birthday sex, jill is a comics hooker, suck my diiiiick i'm a shaaark, definitely not kryptonite, everyone is hideous
pretendyouare wrote in goshdarnspam Aug 21, 2010 15:01
we are all geeks here
flyinwithheart wrote in goshdarnspam Dec 29, 2009 04:16
this is not a meme, caitlin stop posting at 4 am, cnc is now a multiverse, leaving this here, batman is not gay!!!, artists with a room full of blow, batman is gay, we are all geeks here, land of ice and bears, elle didn't lose the game, *drags everyone into a circle*, sara actually has a riddlecane
kingofrejects wrote in goshdarnspam Dec 08, 2009 00:49
Click to view
fffffffffffffffffffffffffff, helpful living tips, click this or die, we are all geeks here, rain sniffs out wtf like a bloodhound, embed more videos kthx, i should be writing an essay, sequential art is my cocaine, stop me before i make more tags, watch this video, c&c: we know comics
insourarmor wrote in goshdarnspam Nov 28, 2009 15:22
sennet plays a whoopsie, batman is not gay!!!, batman is spanish, batman is gay, gays for everyone, we are all geeks here, c&c: we know comics
meowminx wrote in goshdarnspam Aug 17, 2009 14:59